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Forest Stewardship Plan Comment Period Jan 31-April 1, 2025

What is a Forest Stewardship Plan?

A Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) is a document that outlines how an organization plans to manage their forestry tenure while following provincial regulations and protecting important environmental , cultural, and economic values. The Forest Range Practises Act (FRPA) and the Forest Planning and Practises Regulation (FPPR) set out what must be included in the FSP.

Results & Strategies: An FSP must explain how B.C.'s forestry regulations will be met while balancing different resource values.

Protection Measures: The plan must include steps to prevent invasive species.

The plan must show how logging and road-building will respoect and maintain resource values including:

  1. Biodiversity - keeping forests diverse and healthy

  2. Cultural Heritage - Protecting sites important to Indigienous communities

  3. Fish & Riparian Areas - Safeguarding fish habitat and water quality

  4. Recreation - Maintaining areas used for hiking, camping, etc.

  5. Soils - Preventing erosion and maintaining soil health

  6. Timber - Managing tree harvesting in a sustainable way

  7. Visual Quality - Preserving scenic views

  8. Water Quality - Ensuring clean and stable water sources

  9. Wildlife - Protecting habitat for animals

Key Points about FSPs:
  • Valid for 5 years - must be renewed or replaced upon expiry

  • Map-Based - The plan includes maps showing where activites might takes place

  • Landscape-Level - describes how forestry operations will be managed across the landscape


Comments and questions are invited on the Sunshine Coast Community Forest's replacement Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) from governments, tenure holders, local stakeholders, and the community.


or visit us in person to view a paper copy:

Sunshine Coast Community Forest’s office at #213-5710 Teredo Street in

Sechelt, BC by appointment from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

How to send us your comments & questions:

Phone: 604-885-7809

Mail: Sunshine Coast Community Forest, Box 215, Sechelt BC V0N 3A0


Please note: Questions and comments regarding the Forest Stewardship Plan must be received by April 1, 2025


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