Each year, surplus funds from the Community Forest are paid into the Legacy Fund. A portion of that is available for grants for your community projects, and a portion remains in this segregated fund held by the District of Sechelt. Over $3.9 million has been contribut ed to the Legacy Fund since it was created in 2014.
Many worthwhile projects were put forward this year to the Legacy Fund Committee, demonstrating the incredible vision and generosity of time from volunteers in our community. The following $144,000 in Grants were distributed to seven community groups on August 25th, with the support of Mayor and Council of the District of Sechelt. We couldn’t do this without the hard work of the Legacy Fund Committee - residents of the Sunshine Coast from Gibsons to Halfmoon Bay who have read hundreds of pages of documents and volunteered many hours of their time to bring funding to these projects:

(Left to Right): Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, Councillor Eric Scott, Mayor Siegers, Councillor Alton Toth, Meghan Mathias – Davis Bay Community Association Vice President, Bob Michor and Elise Rudland – SCCF Directors, John Bebbington – Legacy Fund Committee community volunteer.
Davis Bay Wilson Creek Selma Park Community Association
Whitaker Park Play Space Renewal - $10,000
The Community Association has a long history of creating and maintaining neighbourhood green-spaces and gather places, and sought funding to refurbish the existing 30 year old play area at Whitaker Park which is well used by the community at large as well as the Teddy Bear Daycare clients. Modern knowledge of inclusiveness will allow this project to be completed in a way that removes barriers and considers multiple uses to improve accessibility and usability of the space. Vice President Meghan Mathias came to receive the cheque from Community Forest and District of Sechelt representatives.

(Left to Right): Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, Councillor Eric Scott, Mayor Siegers, Councillor Alton Toth, Cadence Silvey – Egmont Community Club member.
Egmont Community Club
Community Hall Kitchen Renovation - $30,000
The Community Hall is in need of an upgrade to its more than 20 year old kitchen in order to continue to serve many needs and events out of this social hub run by dedicated community volunteers. The upgrades will also allow it to be used as a satellite food bank in collaboration with the Pender Harbour Food bank. Cadence Silvey, 16 year old lifelong club member and food bank volunteer came to receive the cheque from Community Forest and District of Sechelt representatives.

(Left to Right): Cody and Megan Kelso – Sunshine Coast Solar Association Directors and lead volunteers, Councillor Eric Scott, Dianne Evans – Gibsons Landing Heritage Society President, Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, Mayor Siegers, Councillor Alton Toth, Bob Michor and Elise Rudland – SCCF Directors, John Bebbington – Legacy Fund Committee community volunteer.
Gibsons Landing Heritage Society
Heritage Playhouse HVAC Replacement - $21,000
Working in collaboration with the Sunshine Coast Community Solar Association who obtained other grants and raised funds through the Elevate for the Environment campaign with broad community support, the Gibsons Landing Heritage Society seeks funding to improve the efficiency of its HVAC system. This will dramatically reduce operating costs to help this community asset remain affordable for users and visitors, renew the lifespan of the existing system by 15 years, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95%. Dianne Evans, President of the Gibsons Landing Heritage Society, and Megan and Cody Kelso of the Sunshine Coast Solar Association came to receive the cheque from Community Forest and District of Sechelt representatives.

(Left to Right): Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, Councillor Eric Scott, Artine Brown - Roberts Creek Community Association Director, Councillor Alton Toth, Mayor Siegers, Bob Michor and Elise Rudland – SCCF Directors, John Bebbington – Legacy Fund Committee community volunteer.
Roberts Creek Community Association
Kitchen Upgrades - $27,000
The Roberts Creek Hall has undergone a beautiful restoration over the past few years, and the Community Association seeks to complete this overhaul with completion of its kitchen renovation. This final grant brings contributions from the Legacy Fund for Hall Renovations to $174,000. Roberts Creek Community Association Director Artine Brown came to receive the cheque from Community Forest and District of Sechelt representatives.

(Left to Right): Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, John Talbot – Chair of the Salish Sea Regenerative Farm Society, Councillor Eric Scott, Mayor Siegers, Dave Ryan – Farm Manager, Councillor Alton Toth, Bob Michor and Elise Rudland – SCCF Directors, John Bebbington – Legacy Fund Committee community volunteer.
Salish Sea Regenerative Farm Society
Equipment for Regenerative Agriculture - $11,000
This new Society seeks to mitigate climate change and increase local food production through regenerative farming methods. This grant will fund necessary equipment to help transform an area of degraded land under the power lines into a demonstration project with the aim of improving local food security. John Talbot, the Society’s Chair, and Farm Manager Dave Ryan came to receive the cheque from Community Forest and District of Sechelt representatives.

(Left to Right): Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, Councillor Eric Scott, Gillian Smith – President of the Society, Councillor Alton Toth, Mayor Siegers, Bob Michor and Elise Rudland – SCCF Directors, John Bebbington – Legacy Fund Committee community volunteer.
Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre Society
AV Presentation System - $15,000
The Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre is a well used facility which generates some income from facility rentals. They seek funding to add Audio Visual equipment to their front meeting room, which will increase the use of this well equipped space by allowing for more varied types of events. This grant follows a $100,000 contribution to recent renovations at the centre. Gillian Smith, President of the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre Society, came to receive the cheque from Community Forest and District of Sechelt representatives.

(Left to Right): Warren Hansen – SCCF Operations Manager, Stephen Boale – President, Councillor Eric Scott, Mayor Siegers, Councillor Alton Toth, Pat Moore – Vice President, Bill Krause – Executive Director and Hatchery Manager, Elise Rudland and Bob Michor – SCCF Directors, John Bebbington – Legacy Fund Committee community volunteer.
Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society
Hatchery Water Intake Structure - $30,000
The water intake structure at the Chapman Hatchery requires replacement following damage during flooding of November 15, 2021. Water infrastructure is essential to this community-run hatchery which supports nature-based experiences for local youth, fishers and tourists. This grant follows $90,628 previously contributed to water infrastructure at the hatchery in recent years.