Each year, surplus funds from the Community Forest are paid into the Legacy Fund. A portion of that is available for grants for your community projects, and a portion remains in this segregated fund held by the District of Sechelt. Over $3 million has been contribut-ed to the Legacy Fund since it was created in 2014.
UNTIL MAY 1, 2022
Do you have a great idea for a community project? We are now accepting Letters of Interest for 2022 Legacy Fund Grants. Visit www.sccf.ca to learn more.
Local community group and non-profit projects that have demonstrated community support and will be a lasting community assets are eligible to apply. Visit www.sccf.ca for the full criteria.
1. Submit a Letter of Intent
2. The Legacy Fund Committee will invite full applica-tions from select projects
3. Submit comprehensive application
4. The Legacy Fund Committee vets applications and makes recommendations
5. The District of Sechelt Mayor and Council consider recommendations and make final approval.