As of October 16th 2023 we're commencing harvesting of blocks AN03, AN3A and AN15.
Read more about planning in this area on our seasonally updated Forestry Operations page.
We are providing notice to all recreational users recreating above the Hidden Grove on trail systems specifically around “Jessica’s Trail” and “Half-Day/Full Day” trailheads, that we will be commencing harvesting operations in vicinity of these areas.

Expect heavy industrial traffic on the first 2km of the road leading past these two trails. The Forest Service Road Branch 18 locally referred to as the “Branch 200” will closed to the public during times where on-block activities posed a public safety concern.
Expect road closures at any time, 7 day/week during the Notice specified dates. Signs will be posted to advise the users of the road to beware of heavy industrial traffic on the road and contact information to request entry.
Do Not Enter if sign is up unless you have received the “all clear” to enter and pass thru.
Expect activities to occur from October 16th to January 31st, 7 days a week from 6am to 5pm.
Please forward this article to trail users/groups that may be interested in this information.
Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Warren at